Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I used to be a good student (I think); I studied for five years to be a Biotechnology engineer. I like sciences and I decide to be a Biotechnologist because it area astonish me all the time.
Biotechnology is a new science, the develop of this area was after Watson and Crick discovered the double chain of DNA in 1953, after that Scientifics started the studies of micro-organism as a manufacturer of valuable products, its process are most efficient, faster and cheaper than chemical and traditional process .
Biotechnology allows you to get new and better products and is possible to development or improves products like antibiotics, vaccines, foodstuff and medicines.
Nowadays most of pharmaceutical companies use Biotechnology process to manufacture their products, human insulin is a good instance of the progress to the production with Biotechnology techniques. Insulin was usually obtained with pork’s pancreas but the process was difficult and expensive, now the production is reaching trough micro organism becoming easy and efficient.
The biggest advance in Biotechnology in my opinion is cloning.
Cloning is the action to make one or more genetically, identical and individuals cells. Most of people suppose that cloning is bad and dangerous and they are afraid about these new technologies. Personally I think that this people don’t have the correct information. I believe that cloning is valuable in many areas, for example in develop of organs and tissue regeneration. At the present time humans have big troubles with essential organs like lung, liver, kidney, hearth and skin and institutes of organ donations cannot cover the require of these. In the future with cloning techniques would be possible to regenerate your own organs trough your own cells and it doesn’t have anything related with super humans or organ manipulation. Anyway, as you see I really enjoy talking about Biotechnology; hopefully this blog won’t boring for you, sorry if I wrote a lot.

1 comment:

Margarita said...

Mario: your blog is absolutely interesting. Biotechnology is excellent option to student, I thinks that Biotechnology is the solution of specific problems in different areas, for example in my profession all time I need study and review news technology by clean up and remediation of the contaminate places.