Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It is my third blog and I decided to write about sports, one of my favourites topics!
In the time that I have lived in Calgary I note that here most people practice sports at least more people than in my country, I believe that it is because the weather. In Calgary you cannot practice the same sports all the year at least not outside, and for me it is very interesting, I really like winter sports even I am not very good, unfortunately for me I can’t go frequently to practice winter sports because I don’t have the equipment and rent it is expensive, however I am try to do all the time that I can.
I am a sportsman, I really enjoy practicing sports, and my favourites are: soccer box, baseball, squash, front tennis and football. In my country I used to play soccer every Sunday and squash every Saturday, last year I played fastball in a team of my last job.
I am feeling very happy when I play soccer but in Canada I cannot play soccer because of weather, hopefully during the summer I will play, I miss to play in field.
Luckily for me I can play indoor soccer in the U of C, I was very excited when I knew that every Wednesday some students play in informal teams in the Kinesiology complex and I was very happy when I saw that they are a lot of internationals students I played with some Koreans, Brazilians, Canadian and Arabians its amazing!.
Another thing that is really nice in the U of C about sports is the squash courts, they are very clean and they are a lot so I can play whenever I want!! If you know about somebody interested in play with me just tell me!!
Finally I just want to tell that in Calgary play sports is not difficult just you need to find the correct place to do.


Marcy said...

I don't play squash but maybe you can teach me because I really like sports too. Are you staying next semester?

Tania Yaitzkiy said...

I like sports too. They are a good practice for your health.

♥ Sunny ♥ said...

Do you know?? My graduate university major is sport medicine.
so i really like sports too. If you have time, I hope that i want enjoy sport with you. ^^