Thursday, April 3, 2008

My blogger

In my class of Reading and writing (R&W), my Teacher Marcy (the best teacher in Canada) gave an assignment, I needed to have a Blogger, in fact in my class of R&W with Kristi’s class we started our bloggers.
This assignment was hard for me, because I can’t write in English very well and always I need a lot time for do it, but I think this assignment improve my skills in English, well I Think, but the most important thing about this assignment is that I could know more about my classmates, I really enjoy reading classmates’ bloggers, because they wrote about their favorites items and sometimes their feelings.
Also, I could write about my favorites things like, music, movies, places, trips, etc, so that was good for me.
I don’t know if in my next course I’m going to need my blogger or I can write more bloggers so, I would like share some pictures with you.
First my apartment in Mexico City, if some day you will go to Mexico City, you are welcome stay here; and my favorite ruins close to Mexico City Teotihucan, I think is the most important culture In Mexico.
Well I hope so. somebody share my hobbies, see you soon.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Cat Mucky Telonius Lascurain De Los Montero y Valle

I love cats; I always have cats in my life, I would like to have a cat in Canada, unfortunately it is impossible because I don't know how long I will be here.

I used to have many cats when I was living in my mother’s house, I tried to have one in my apartment last year but my girlfriend couldn’t support him, she heats the hair that cats give off.

After she gave Mucky off I took him to my mother’s house, it was very difficult time for him because I already have 2 cats there: Lucky and Lion, Lucky is a female and she is very nice and cute, she was happy to receive Mucky, she was friendly and playful with him, unfortunately Lyon haven’t the same feeling, he hates Mucky, sometimes it happens between cat males, the poor Mucky was afraid of Lyon because he is younger than he and because he never had cats around him, on the other hand Lyon is very rude, he spent a lot of time in the street fighting with other cats, however with the time they forgot their differences and now are friends or kind of this because between cat males is not commun to be friendly.
Hopefully one of this days Mucky can come back to his first house I really miss him, I will try to get a deal with my girlfriend.
My cat’s name is very long because it is a fun name, my girlfriend and I called him Mucky Telonius Lascurain De Los Montero y Valle because he is a Siamese with linage and he deserved to have a fancy name.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


In my last blogger I wrote about my favorite group U2, but it is my favorite group in English language, for this in this blogger I will wrote about my favorite Mexican group, “Café Tacvba”. Café Tacvba is a group who has been played for about 15 years, in fact in 2006 they celebrated their 15 anniversary.
This group is from Ciudad Satelite a neighborhood near to Mexico City, they started their group 1989 but, they recorded their 1st LP in 1992, now Café Tacvba has 10 albums.
I like this group because in their songs they mix almost all the rhythms of typical Mexican music like huapango, quebradita, bolero and Mexican rock with new rhythms like hip-hop, electronic, punk and rock, also in their letters they talk about Mexican's costumes and life in Mexico City, also they are a group that always try to help people, for example last December they did a concert to help people who lives in south of Mexico, this region had many natural troubles and was almost destroyed for a flood.
I had been in many concerts of Café Tacvba and I enjoy a lot to listen this group in concert I think they are the best Mexican group. I have almost all music of “los tacubos” as Mexican people call them, I would like to share some music of Los Tacubos with you, I hope you can listen and enjoy it as me. I paste one of my favorite songs, "Chica Banda" (Gang's Girl).

My favorite concert

Once of my favorite hobbies is the music, I like to listen music, but my favorite activity is go to concerts, I was in a lot concerts in Mexico City, my first concert was in 1995 when David Bowie went to Mexico City with Erasure.
After than I went to many concert like festivals, outside, Mexican groups and international groups. My preferred group is U2, so I was in your concert in 1997, this concert was exciting because, it was my first time that I heard them on live. Unfortunately, after this concert, Mexican authorities had troubles with them, so they decided don’t get back to Mexico.
In 2001 U2 had their next tour, called Discotheque Tour, but U2 didn’t go to Mexico and any country of Latin America, the reasons were economist difficulty. I was upset with it, but I couldn’t anything, only I was waiting for them.
Finally in February, 2006 U2 came back to Mexico; I was very exciting and ready for buy my ticket, unfortunately I couldn’t buy anything, because all tickets were sold in 3 hours! So again I was waiting for a new concert. Three days after U2 opened one concert more; helpfully my girlfriend could buy a ticket.
The concert was in the “Estadio Azteca”, almost 90, 000 people were waiting for U2, the teat stage was amazing and spectacular and the sound terrific! They started with “City of blinding lights” after “vertigo”, the people were crazy, they continued with “Sunday bloody Sunday”, “Beautiful day”, “Elevation”, etc. The best part was when they play “Where street Here no name” and “Desire”
The people song all songs and their were really exciting like I. The concert end with “Forty” this song is symbolic for U2, the lights turn on and the people go out slowly, everybody were tired but, pretty satisfied, I was very happy because I was waiting almost 10 years for hear these songs on live and very proud because I knew all U2’s song.
I don’t know if U2 went to Mexico again, but for me, I don’t worry and I’m satisfied because I was in the best concert of my life.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My last vacations

My last vacations were in Calgary :) so, I think is better to talk about my last last vacations. I like to travel,unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time to travel because I was studying and after I was working, however I looked to get time to have vacations.
In September, last year ago I went to occident of my country. I spent two weeks visited three states, Queretaro, Guanajuato and Jalisco.
My trip was in car, with my French friend and my girlfriend, first we went to Queretaro this city was about 1 hour and half to Mexico City it is a beautiful and colonial place. We spent 2 days there we visited the cathedral, the aqueduct and the Pena del Bernal.
After we went to San Miguel de Allende, this is a small typical and colonial City, in this city is originated my family. We stayed in September, in the Festival of this City. The festival is amazing, in the night, front of the Cathedral the people of the City fire lots firework, at 4:00 AM until 6:00 AM, it is exciting. While the festival end, we went to Guanajuato The capitol city from Guanajuato state, this city was once of principal cities of independence of Mexico. This city has a lot of Beautiful buildings, The Alhondiga de Granaditas, The Teatro Juarez and The Universidad of Guanajuato,there it is the famous and weird mommy museum. In fact the city is really beautiful, because it have small and colonial streets; it is my favourite city in Mexico.
After we went to Guadalajara, in this city we Drunk Tequila and heard Mariachi music, typical Mexican music, we visit the downtown it is beautiful, then we stayed in a virgin beaches around the cost of Jalisco. These beaches are quiet and there are perfect for a time relaxing, finally we went to Puerto Vallarta an famous beach of Mexico.
Finally we returned to Mexico City, we drove about 9 hours of Puerto Vallarta to Mexico City, it was tiring.

My favorite movies

I enjoy watching movies; my favorite movies are any kind: comedy, science fiction, thriller and suspense. However the movie must have an original, intense, violence and unhappy end, although I enjoy simple-mind movies like romantic, cartoon and art.
My favorite movies are Star Wars, Tarantino's movies (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Hostel and Kill Bill) and many Mexican movies among others. The last Tarantino's movie that I watched was Kill Bill and I really enjoyed it. I like the way of Tarantino mix the western genre with martial arts.
Kill Bill has two separate volumes. In the first part the protagonist Uma Thurman (who is called the bride in the story) emerges from a comma after four years and swears revenge on the assassination team that betrayed her, a team she was once part of. At this time you don't know what the reasons why she wants revenge are and what happened with the baby that she carried before entering the comma, I was very intrigue and I couldn't miss the second part. In the second volume she kills the other members of the squad and she finds Bill. The end of the movie showing the flashback of the Bride's past and you can understand the reasons of her angry. Finally the movie has a happy end. I would like to recommend this movie because is a different plot and the soundtrack is exciting. If you watched it please tell me your opinion.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I used to be a good student (I think); I studied for five years to be a Biotechnology engineer. I like sciences and I decide to be a Biotechnologist because it area astonish me all the time.
Biotechnology is a new science, the develop of this area was after Watson and Crick discovered the double chain of DNA in 1953, after that Scientifics started the studies of micro-organism as a manufacturer of valuable products, its process are most efficient, faster and cheaper than chemical and traditional process .
Biotechnology allows you to get new and better products and is possible to development or improves products like antibiotics, vaccines, foodstuff and medicines.
Nowadays most of pharmaceutical companies use Biotechnology process to manufacture their products, human insulin is a good instance of the progress to the production with Biotechnology techniques. Insulin was usually obtained with pork’s pancreas but the process was difficult and expensive, now the production is reaching trough micro organism becoming easy and efficient.
The biggest advance in Biotechnology in my opinion is cloning.
Cloning is the action to make one or more genetically, identical and individuals cells. Most of people suppose that cloning is bad and dangerous and they are afraid about these new technologies. Personally I think that this people don’t have the correct information. I believe that cloning is valuable in many areas, for example in develop of organs and tissue regeneration. At the present time humans have big troubles with essential organs like lung, liver, kidney, hearth and skin and institutes of organ donations cannot cover the require of these. In the future with cloning techniques would be possible to regenerate your own organs trough your own cells and it doesn’t have anything related with super humans or organ manipulation. Anyway, as you see I really enjoy talking about Biotechnology; hopefully this blog won’t boring for you, sorry if I wrote a lot.