Friday, February 29, 2008


Once of my favourites places in my city it is Downtown. I have been there several times in my life. Downtown in Mexico City is big and you can find a lot of places to eat, drink, dance or listen music. I went to do shopping and have a dinner many times on Downtown' streets, but now I would like to write about my favorites museums and places to listen live music.
I like a lot "El Museo Nacional de Arte" and "El Palacio de Bellas Artes" , because they are beautiful buildings and they have interesting exhibitions, for example last year The MUNAL (for their siglas in Spanish) had one exhibition about the Spanish painter Francisco Goya, it was amazing.!
By the way, "El Palacio de Bellas Artes" is one of the most beutiful buildings in the city, inside it have amazing murals and it present the best musicians of many countries. Last year it had an exposicion about Frida Kahlo who is a famous painter from Mexico.
But the principal activity that I did in Downtown was listen live music. My favorites places to listen live music are "El pasaguero," "El correo espanol" and "The Cultural Roots." In these places my favorites Mexican bands play rock music, I really enjoy live music.
If someday some of you want to go Mexico City I can show you some funny and interesting places. I will enjoy to show you my city.!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


The last Friday in the Night I went to "Roughreds's house" from the game, Calgary VS Buffalo, a professional game of Lacrosse. The Stadium is nice, is the sing Arena for The Calgary's Flames, the professional Team Hockey of Calgary. I had seen Lacrosse game before, but only in TV.
I think that the Lacrosse is a intersting sport, is a combination between Hockey and football, is a dinamyc and strong sport. Many times, the players fights between them.
The game, Calgary Vs Buffalo was fun, unfortunatly Calgary lost, but I was pretty fun in my sit, the game is very spectacular, many lights, music, cheerleaders and dancers.
The game startded with pyrotecnics and beautiful dancers, after the players presentation, very spectacular, very similar with NBA's games. During the game had music (god music) and the locutor say "go, Rouhreds go" and the people answer shouting and making noise, that's very fan.!
In the half time the cheeleaders makend a great coreography, They are a good atlethes! also, they did a competition with children, it was intersting.
Finally, the snacks in the stadium are very goods! the nachos are bigs and delisious! and the Canadian beer is not bad, but my preferer was the chocolat ice cream, I liked the Lacrosse game.!